Boxing Futures has a commitment to provide excellent service to all stakeholders and this commitment is at the centre of our work. This policy exists to ensure that all members of Boxing Futures operate at, or above the expected standards of behaviour and follow best practice.
All staff and volunteers, including Board Members and subcontractors.
It is important that all staff and volunteers conduct themselves in such a way that public confidence in Boxing Futures’ integrity as an organisation is always maintained.
2. General Conduct
3. Work Performance and Following Boxing Futures’ Procedures
4. Attendance and Timekeeping
5. Violence, Bullying and Harassment
6. Professional Boundaries and Social Relationships with service-users and Referrals
7. Honesty, Integrity, and Avoidance of Conflicts of Interest
8. Alcohol, Drugs and Smoking
9. Health and Safety at Work
10. Equality and Diversity
11. Confidentiality
12. Use of Boxing Futures’ Property, Equipment and Time
13. Use of Computers
14. Mobile Phones While Driving
15. Boxing Futures’ Profile and Reputation
16. Outside Activities
17. Politics, Religion and Public Activities
18. Relationship between Paid Staff and Board Members
19. Criminal Proceedings and Convictions
20. Monitoring the Use of Boxing Futures’ Property, Equipment and Time
21. Responsibility for Service Quality
22. Breaches of the Code of Conduct
It is important that all staff and volunteers conduct themselves in such a way that public confidence in Boxing Futures’ integrity as an organisation is always maintained.
The Code of Conduct specifies some principles which all staff are expected to adhere to:
• Selflessness – take decisions solely in terms of the values and mission of Boxing Futures and not to gain financial or other material benefits for self, family, or friends.
• Integrity – not to place oneself under any financial or any other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might influence the performance of duties.
• Objectivity – when delivering Boxing Futures’ services fairness and impartiality and base decisions on merit alone should be ensured.
• Accountability – acceptance of responsibility for one’s decisions and actions to the Board of Trustees, service-users, partners and funders and other stakeholders, and to submit to whatever scrutiny is appropriate.
• Openness – be as open as possible about all the decisions and actions that are taken. Reasons for decisions should be given and information restricted only when individual or commercial confidentiality clearly demand this.
• Honesty – declare any private interests relating to one’s duties and take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that is lawful, and protects the reputation, values and mission of Boxing Futures.
• Leadership – promote and support these principles by leadership and example.
Boxing Futures depends for its strength on unity and co-operation among its staff and volunteering team. Staff and volunteers should always act with due regard to organisational morale and to show respect to service-users and colleagues.
Boxing Futures believe that the conduct of its staff is of a high standard. The purpose of this code is to provide clear guidance on the standards expected from all. All employees and volunteers should be aware that breaches of the Code will be investigated and, where considered appropriate, action taken.
No code of conduct can cover all circumstances that may arise. Emphasis, therefore, is placed on the standards of performance and behaviour which are expected rather than making a complete list of rules or possible breaches.
2.1 It is expected that all staff set high standards of conduct and behave politely, respectfully, reasonably, and professionally to service-users, colleagues and working contacts.
2.2 Boxing Futures will not tolerate any aggressive, suggestive, obscene or indecent behaviour or behaviour which may constitute sexual misconduct.
2.3 Boxing Futures will not tolerate sexual impropriety with service-users or Boxing Futures’ staff, either inside or outside of work.
2.4 It is expected that all staff co-operate with the reasonable requests and instructions of managers.
2.5 Boxing Futures has channels for staff to raise ideas, issues, problems and complaints constructively and openly. It is expected that staff will not damage the morale of others or their perceptions of Boxing Futures by repeatedly making negative and non-constructive comments about Boxing Futures, other staff or teams, managers, or service-users. Constructive feedback, positive or negative, is welcome from all staff.
2.6 Staff should achieve an acceptable standard of dress, neatness and personal hygiene and should have due regard to the following: Boxing Futures’ public image, business etiquette, the need to promote a productive work environment, and to comply with health and safety standards. Staff should avoid wearing clothing displaying slogans or logos that could cause offence. If in doubt, check with your line manager to determine the standard which applies to your area of work.
3.1 Staff must carry out the full duties of their job to a high standard of performance, with appropriate support, supervision, and training from Boxing Futures.
3.2 Staff must comply with all of Boxing Futures’ policies, procedures and standing orders, as they relate to terms and conditions of employment, financial transactions, and specific job role. It is everyone’s responsibility to be aware of the contents of such procedures which might affect their working practices.
3.3 Staff must co-operate willingly, politely, and constructively in all Boxing Futures’ activities and events, including informal and formal discussions in which their participation and/or attendance is required by their line manager or other managers, team and other organisational meetings, and meetings with external stakeholders.
4.1 You must adhere to the start and finish times as set by Boxing Futures and the provisions of Boxing Futures stated working time arrangements.
4.2 All absence must be authorised in advance in accordance with Boxing Futures agreed leave booking arrangements except in the case of sickness, injury or exceptional domestic, personal or travel complications that could not be foreseen. If you are unable to work for any of these reasons, your absence must be notified and certified in accordance with Boxing Futures’ absence and sickness procedures.
4.3 Punctuality in attendance for work is expected, barring the most exceptional circumstances.
5.1 Boxing Futures will not tolerate any of the following forms of behaviour (including through social media):
• Acts of violence, threatening behaviour, verbal abuse, or malicious cruelty by any employee towards a colleague, service-user, or working contact.
• Bullying: Unwanted behaviour that a person finds intimidating, undermining, belittling, embarrassing, humiliating or offensive and which is unacceptable by normal standards and is disadvantageous to the individual. Bullying may be persistent or an isolated incident.
• Harassment: A form of bullying which is usually motivated by a dislike on the part of a perpetrator of one or more perceived characteristics of the victim. Harassment is defined in discrimination legislation as ‘unwanted conduct which has the purpose or effect of violating the complainant’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive working environment for the complainant’. This would include harassment on the grounds of sex, race, disability, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, gender reassignment, or any other grounds.
5.2 All staff are expected to contribute to a positive working environment free from bullying. For this reason, where staff witness behaviour which is not acceptable (including through social media), they are expected to notify an appropriate manager.
6.1 All staff must follow and uphold Boxing Futures’ rules, standards, and procedures in relation to professional boundaries with service-users, child protection and protection of vulnerable adults at all times.
6.2 It is not acceptable for any Boxing Futures employee to strike up social relationships or regular social contact of any kind outside of the formal professional relationship with any service-user or referral for Boxing Futures services.
6.3 If an employee has an existing personal or professional relationship with somebody who becomes a Boxing Futures service-user or referral, it is essential that the employee inform their line manager who will advise an appropriate course of action after consulting with the Director of Operations.
6.4 If an employee is planning to have a relationship other than a professional one with an ex-service-user, they must discuss this and any possible implications with their line manager. This discussion must be recorded in writing and kept on the employee’s personal file.
6.5 Employees must notify their line manager when they enter a personal relationship with another Boxing Futures employee. This is to ensure all conflicts of interests can be managed appropriately.
6.5 Employees must not borrow money from service-users, ask them to carry out paid or unpaid work or services for them (the employee), gamble with them, or give them gifts. Employees may only accept gifts from service-users in the exceptional circumstances as set out in section 7 below. Employees must not make personal loans to service-users or buy anything from them.
6.6 Staff should not enter any business arrangements with a service-user or sell goods or services to them.
7.1 High standards of integrity and honesty are expected at all times. This includes being truthful and honest when asked appropriate questions by managers and other colleagues about any matters which have a bearing on their employment with and work at Boxing Futures.
7.2 Boxing Futures’ documents and records should be completed truthfully and accurately within the required timeframes. This includes all personnel forms, attendance forms, service-user records, job references, financial forms, and records.
7.3 Staff must not make vexatious allegations or complaints in order to invoke Boxing Futures’ formal procedures. Where staff have made allegations or invoked formal procedures without malice, in the reasonable belief that the information disclosed was substantially true and without a view to personal gain, these will be fully investigated in accordance with the relevant procedure. Staff raising issues in good faith will not suffer any detriment, even if their allegations are not upheld.
7.4 Under no circumstances may employees other than the line manager or an appropriate senior manager write a reference on Boxing Futures’ headed paper for Boxing Futures’ staff, ex-staff, service-users, ex-service users, clients or ex-clients. If staff choose to write a personal character reference for a colleague or ex-colleague they must do so from their private address, making clear that they are not writing in an official capacity on behalf of Boxing Futures, and they must be explicit about the nature of the working relationship that they had with the colleague.
7.5 Authority must not be abused in relation to a colleague, service-user, or applicant for Boxing Futures’ services. Improper use of an employee’s official position for private gain or for the gain of relatives and associates will not be tolerated.
7.6 Conflicts of interest arise when an employee has a financial or personal interest, kinship, or relationship, or engages in any activity (paid or unpaid) which could:
• Enable them to secure some personal advantage (other than salary) or advantage for a close relative as a result of their being employed by Boxing Futures, or
• Influence their judgement in relation to the performance of their duties on behalf of Boxing Futures.
7.7 For a conflict of interest to arise, the advantage does not have to be realised. Employees have a duty to be aware of and declare any interests or potential conflict of interests and to take steps to resolve any conflicts that may arise.
7.8 Employees must not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might seek to influence them in the performance of their job.
7.9 All staff should avoid accepting gifts and hospitality that might reasonably be thought to influence their judgement:
• The principle of integrity requires that staff should not place themselves under an obligation that might influence, or be perceived to influence, the conduct of their duties. This means that the receipt of hospitality and gifts must be subject to clear and sweeping restrictions and that any that are accepted must be declared and recorded.
• Employees must not accept cash, or personal gifts with a significant monetary value, under any circumstances. Items of nominal value, such as free promotional pens, calendars and similar items may be accepted.
• Personal gifts may not be solicited under any circumstances.
• Gifts from service-users should be politely refused. In unusual circumstances where polite refusal is likely to cause upset or offence and where the value of the item is unlikely to be significant to the service-user giving the gift, staff should share the gift with their colleagues and always record it in the hospitality register. When a gift is declined, the refusal should be courteous but firm, and draw the attention of the person making the offer to the existence of this Code.
• Staff should never accept lavish hospitality, or any hospitality which could be interpreted as a way of exerting an improper influence over the way their duties are carried out. Nor should staff offer such hospitality to others on behalf of Boxing Futures. The timing of hospitality in relation to procurement or purchasing decisions which Boxing Futures may be taking is especially sensitive. Above all, hospitality must never be solicited.
• When staff must decline hospitality, the refusal should be courteous but firm, and draw the attention of the person making the offer to the existence of this Code. If necessary, staff should pay our share of any costs, and claim these from Boxing Futures as an expense claim in the ordinary way.
• Staff may accept modest working meals and light refreshments without making any declaration or obtaining written consent.
• Other hospitality may be accepted, with prior written consent, for instance where:
• there is a genuine need to impart information or represent Boxing Futures in the community.
• where an event is clearly part of the life or culture of the community or where Boxing Futures should be seen to be represented.
• the hospitality concerns attendance at a relevant conference or course where it is clear the hospitality is corporate rather than personal.
• All such hospitality received must be recorded in the organisation’s hospitality register as should hospitality given on behalf of Boxing Futures.
• Where an outside organisation wishes to sponsor or is seeking to sponsor the activity of Boxing Futures, whether by invitation or negotiation, or voluntarily, the basic conventions concerning the acceptance of gifts or hospitality apply.
8.1 Staff should not be under the influence of alcohol or un-prescribed drugs during working hours so that the performance of duties or the image of Boxing Futures is not detrimentally affected. Staff on prescribed medication should inform their line manager if they have been prescribed drugs which may affect their performance or other people’s safety.
8.2 Alcohol should not be consumed on the premises except in the case of organised occasions previously authorised by the Leadership Team.
8.3 Bringing, taking or possessing illegal drugs or un-prescribed drugs and other mind-altering substances which have not been prescribed for a medical purpose whilst on Boxing Futures’ premises is prohibited and will lead to disciplinary action and be treated as gross misconduct within the terms of Boxing Futures’ disciplinary procedure and brought to the attention of the police.
8.4 Staff whose job it is to work directly with service-users must refrain from using alcohol before going on duty and whilst on duty until the shift has finished.
8.5 Smoking is not permitted on Boxing Futures’ premises.
9.1 It is the statutory duty of all employees to take reasonable care for their own and colleagues’ health and safety and to co-operate with Boxing Futures as the employer to enable its statutory duties to be performed. Staff must not intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided by Boxing Futures or its landlord in pursuance of relevant health and safety legislation and good practice.
9.2 All employees must familiarise themselves with and always comply with Boxing Futures’ Health & Safety Policy and Procedures.
10.1 It is important that employees create an environment which is supportive of everyone and does not illegally or unfairly discriminate against any employee or service-user on the grounds of that person’s age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation or on any other characteristic protected by law.
11.1 All knowledge of service-users or of Boxing Futures’ work, future plans, staff or Board Members, is confidential and should not be divulged other than in the course of proper performance of duties.
11.2 Personal information gained about service-users or colleagues must not be maliciously spread or allowed to become the subject of gossip.
11.3 Employees should not be critical of one another to service-users, nor should they take action that undermines one another. Also, employees should not be critical of one another to outside organisations or to individuals with whom Boxing Futures has a professional relationship.
11.4 Employees are expected to abide by Boxing Futures’ Data Protection Policy and procedures at all times.
12.1 Boxing Futures’ property and equipment should be treated with care and only used for authorised purposes.
12.2 Staff should be aware of the rules relating to the use of Boxing Futures’ facilities, photocopying equipment, postage, telephones, cleaning materials etc. and abide by them.
12.3 Boxing Futures’ property may not be taken off the premises for personal use, unless with prior consent from a member of the Leadership Team.
12.4 Work time should be restricted to carrying out Boxing Futures’ responsibilities, not for personal projects or activities, unless otherwise expressly authorised by the employee’s line manager.
12.5 Unauthorised pamphlets or literature must not be distributed in the workplace.
12.6 Unauthorised documents must not be placed on the walls of Boxing Futures’ offices or notice boards. Authorised documents mounted in these places should not be removed or defaced.
12.7 Whereas Boxing Futures recognises that at certain times it is necessary for staff to make personal telephone calls – e.g., emergencies, making arrangements with relatives, friends or medical and professional contacts – these must be kept to a bare minimum in terms of both quantity and length of time spent on the phone.
12.8 If staff are contacted by friends, relatives, or medical and professional contacts in a personal capacity, you may accept them provided that:
• Any response is not given priority over or allowed to disrupt any work, meeting, or service-user contact in which you are engaged.
• If any response lasts longer than a few minutes, it must be accounted for in the staff member’s own time (i.e., included in the time recorded for lunch breaks).
12.9 Under no circumstances may staff misuse Boxing Futures’ mobile telephones for their own personal use.
12.10 Use of personal mobile phones must be restricted. Calls related to childcare, and other emergencies related to the caring of family members, may be received during work time. Normal working output must not be affected, and should it be necessary, misuse will be subject to disciplinary investigation.
12.11 The occasional use of computers, printers and photocopiers for personal use will be permitted under the following conditions:
• Such use is occasional, and not regular.
• Use of computers in no way contravenes the rules on computer use set out in Boxing Futures’ Code of Conduct for Employees.
• The time spent in using the equipment should be accounted for in the staff member’s own time (i.e., included in the time recorded for lunch breaks, or deducted from recorded hours if made before the beginning or after the end of the working day).
12.12 With the exception of printing and photocopying paper as above, staff must not use Boxing Futures’ stationery or other stock (e.g., staff kitchen supplies, cleaning materials) for private purposes. Unauthorised removal of Boxing Futures’ stationery or other stocks and/or materials from the office will be treated as theft.
13.1 There should be no unauthorised access to or modification of Boxing Futures’ computer equipment, programmes or data.
13.2 No hardware or software (including computer games) should be installed onto Boxing Futures’ network or stand-alone computers that has not been authorised by our authorised IT providers.
13.3 If staff wish to carry out any private work on Boxing Futures’ computer equipment, prior authorisation must be sought from their line manager.
13.4 Staff must conduct themselves professionally on e-mail and the Internet. This conduct includes, but is not limited to, avoiding use of material with offensive sexual content, profane or vulgar language, racial or ethnic slurs or similarly insulting material.
13.5 Staff must not use the Internet or e-mail to circulate materials with a political or religious content.
13.6 Staff must not insert any devices brought in from outside Boxing Futures into the Boxing Futures’ computers or equipment without prior agreement from Boxing Futures’ authorised IT providers. A virus check must be carried out first.
13.7 Any misuse of Boxing Futures’ computer resources may result in a criminal prosecution under the Computer Misuse Act (1990) as well as Boxing Futures’ own internal disciplinary action.
13.8 Staff should refrain from bringing Boxing Futures into disrepute via their own personal social media channels.
14.1 All employees are expected not to use handheld mobile phones (Boxing Future’ issued or personal) for organisational use whilst driving. Stopping at traffic lights or being stuck in traffic jams is still deemed driving under the law unless the traffic jam is “exceptional”, and the engine is turned off.
15.1 Boxing Futures works in a sensitive field. Its ability to raise the funds needed to continue to work and to develop and improve facilities and services for service-users depends very much on maintaining a good profile. Any conduct which damages Boxing Futures’ reputation would therefore threaten both the job security of staff and the services provided to vulnerable and excluded people.
15.2 Staff should always ensure that their words and actions do not bring Boxing Futures into disrepute, either internally or in any dealings with external agencies or the public.
15.3 Staff must not damage the morale of others or their perceptions of Boxing Futures by making negative and non-constructive comments about Boxing Futures, other staff, managers, or service-users through social media or in their personal or professional communications online. Constructive feedback, positive or negative, should be raised through the appropriate channels.
15.4 All those who work for Boxing Futures are expected to be committed to the aims and objectives of Boxing Futures. Those who attend any external meeting or activity on behalf of Boxing Futures are expected to promote the work and policies of Boxing Futures in a positive way.
15.5 The Chief Executive and Director of Operations have responsibility for communications with the media. No one who works for Boxing Futures should give information to the media about Boxing Futures and its work without the agreement of the Chief Executive and/or Director of Operations. Nor should they permit members of the media to enter our premises or introduce them to service-users without the permission of the Chief Executive and/or Director of Operations.
15.6 Only those authorised by the Leadership Team may post information or opinions online or through social media on behalf of Boxing Futures.
16.1 Permission should be sought in writing from the Chief Executive if staff wish to engage in other business or employment outside of Boxing Futures. They will ascertain whether the activities in question could impair the staff member’s ability to act at all times in the best interests of Boxing Futures. Permission will not be unreasonably refused. If it is refused, the reasons will be explained in writing. There is no right of appeal against any such refusal.
16.2 In work related social events or in mixing socially with colleagues outside of work, staff are expected to maintain and be responsible for their own appropriate behaviour in line with the code of conduct. The onus in such situations is on the staff member to avoid behaving in a manner which could lead to misconduct complaint. Any such complaint will be dealt with under the disciplinary procedure.
16.3 With the above qualification, an employee’s off duty hours are their personal concern but any personal activities should not take precedence over the employee’s duty or put them in a position where their duty and private interests conflict. Employees should not engage in any activity which, in Boxing Futures’ view, conflicts with or acts detrimentally to Boxing Futures’ business or in any way weakens public confidence in the conduct of Boxing Futures’ business.
16.4 When an employee is offered payment for writing or speaking on work-related activities, the sums obtained must be paid to Boxing Futures. If an employee is unclear as to whether the activity is work-related, then they should check with their line manager.
17.1 Boxing Futures is a non-party political and non-denominational organisation, and staff should not try to promote their political or religious views while engaged in work for Boxing Futures.
17.2 All staff must avoid any activity in the public arena which could bring Boxing Futures into disrepute. Any employee who holds or intends to stand for public office must declare this to the Chief Executive.
17.3 Employees must follow the policies and procedures of Boxing Futures and must not allow their own personal or political opinions to interfere with their work or impartiality.
18.1 Employees are responsible to the Board of Trustees through the line management structure leading to the Chief Executive. If an employee’s work brings them into contact with Board Members, mutual respect is essential to the good running of Boxing Futures. Close personal familiarity between an employee and individual Board Members could be prejudicial to this relationship and should be avoided, especially outside of work.
18.2 Any relationship between a Board Member and an employee should be made known to the Chair of the Board and may result in the cessation of the Member’s duties.
18.3 You should not try to inappropriately use informal channels to influence Board Members on matters of Board business.
19.1 For the protection of all parties, employees are required to notify the Chief Executive in writing in the event that they are charged with or convicted of a criminal offence. All employees, trustees and volunteers will also notify the Chief Executive in writing immediately of any investigation into them carried out by the Police, the Charity Commission, HM Revenue & Customs or any other regulatory body. The information will be treated with sensitivity and confidentiality. No action will be taken unless there is a direct impact on your position.
19.2 In the case of criminal proceedings or conviction involving a Boxing Futures’ employee, Boxing Futures reserves the right to consider the impact of such proceedings upon itself and the compatibility of the proceedings or offence with the employee’s role, and to take appropriate action. In certain circumstances disciplinary action may follow.
19.3 To ensure appropriate safeguarding measures are undertaken, Boxing Futures requires certain roles to be subject to Disclosure and Barring Scheme (DBS) checks and rechecks. It is the staff member’s responsibility to ensure that they completed the DBS paperwork and supplied the supporting documentation within the timeframe designated by line management. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.
20.1 It should be noted, in the interest of fairness and transparency, that Boxing Futures has the means, automated and otherwise, of monitoring individual usage of property and equipment, including:
• Telephones
• Mobile phones
• E-mail
• Internet
20.2 In order to protect Boxing Futures’ resources, Boxing Futures reserves the right to use appropriate monitoring systems and information, and such information may form part of the evidence in any disciplinary or other management action that may be taken in connection with:
• Any breach of our rules relating to personal use of property, equipment, and time,
• Any other matter upon which individual usage of property, equipment and time has a bearing.
20.3 Boxing Futures will have due regard to relevant legislation that may impact on monitoring, including the Human Rights Act (1998), the Data Protection Act (1998) and the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (2000). To this end, Boxing Futures will not use monitoring systems that are excessive for purpose, for example interception or tapping of phone calls.
21.1 It is everybody’s responsibility to ensure that Boxing Futures provides the highest quality services.
21.2 If an employee becomes aware of deficiencies in the services which Boxing Future provide, they must raise this directly with their line manager or that person’s line manager. Confidentiality will be respected, and constructive action taken where necessary to rectify the situation.
21.3 In order to protect our service-users, those who are aware of actions of misconduct or negligence by other members of staff have a duty to report this to a relevant manager. Boxing Futures will seek to support and guide anyone reporting misconduct or negligence.
21.4 Employees are reminded they can refer to the Whistleblowing Procedure if they wish to raise serious concerns.
22.1 Any breach of the Code of Conduct will be investigated and may lead to disciplinary action. Breaches fall into two main categories:
22.1.1 Breaches of the Code of Conduct which, if substantiated, constitute gross misconduct and will normally lead to summary dismissal, i.e., dismissal without notice or pay in lieu of notice and without previous warnings, following investigation and a disciplinary hearing. Gross misconduct is defined by Boxing Futures as those acts which are so serious in their nature, that they destroy the employment relationship between the employee and the employer and make any further working relationship and trust impossible.
22.1.2 Breaches of the Code of Conduct which, if substantiated, warrant lesser penalties.
22.2 Further details and examples are incorporated into Boxing Futures’ Disciplinary procedure.
This policy was approved on 26th October 2023.
Review date: October 2024.
If you have any questions about this policy, please contact us:
Or you can contact us about our Code of Conduct Policy here:
CONTACT USThis website is owned and operated by Boxing Futures Ltd
We are a charity registered in United Kingdom No.1162086
Our registered office is:
Anzo Group, 25 Golden Square, London W1F 9LU
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