Boxing Futures is committed to encouraging equality, diversity and inclusion among our workforce, and eliminating unlawful discrimination.
We ACCEPT that in society certain groups or individuals are denied equality on the grounds of race, gender, marital status, caring responsibilities, disability, gender re-assignment, age, social class, sexual orientation and religion / belief or any other factor irrelevant to the purpose in view.
We ACKNOWLEDGE the statutory requirements laid down in;
• The Equality Act 2010;
• The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974;
• The NHS Community Care Act 1990;
• The Asylum & Immigration Act 1996;
• The Human Rights Act Nov 1998;
We RECOGNISE that we have moral and social responsibilities that go beyond the provisions of the above-mentioned Acts and Regulations, and that we should support and contribute to the wider process of change through all aspects of its work and practices to eliminate discrimination and promote equality, diversity and Inclusion.
Traditionally disadvantaged sections of the community are encouraged to participate in policy decisions about, and the management of the services provided
The equality, diversity and inclusion policy is fully supported by senior management
This policy’s purpose is to:
• Provide equality, fairness and respect for all in our employment, whether temporary, part-time or full-time
• Not unlawfully discriminate because of the Equality Act 2010 protected characteristics of:
o age
o disability
o gender reassignment
o marriage or civil partnership
o pregnancy and maternity
o race (including colour, nationality, and ethnic or national origin)
o religion or belief
o sexual orientation
• Oppose and avoid all forms of unlawful discrimination. This includes in:
o pay and benefits
o terms and conditions of employment
o dealing with grievances and discipline
o dismissal
o redundancy
o leave for parents
o requests for flexible working
o selection for employment, promotion, training or other developmental opportunities
Boxing Futures is COMMITTED to:
• Encourage equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace as they are good practice and make business sense.
• Create a working environment free of bullying, harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination, promoting dignity and respect for all, and where individual differences and the contributions of all staff are recognised and valued.
• taking positive steps to ensure that:
o All people are treated with dignity and respect, valuing the diversity of all;
o Equality of opportunity and diversity is promoted;
o Services are accessible, appropriate and delivered fairly to all;
o The mix of its employees reflects, as far as possible, the broad mix of the population of its local community;
This commitment includes advising staff about their rights and responsibilities under the equality, diversity and inclusion policy. Responsibilities include staff conducting themselves to help the organisation provide equal opportunities in employment, and prevent bullying, harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination.
All staff should understand they, as well as their employer, can be held liable for acts of bullying, harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination, in the course of their employment, against fellow employees, customers, suppliers and the public
We take seriously complaints of bullying, harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination by fellow employees, customers, suppliers, visitors, the public and any others in the course of the organisation’s work activities. Such acts will be dealt with as misconduct under the organisation’s grievance and/or disciplinary procedures, and appropriate action will be taken. Particularly serious complaints could amount to gross misconduct and lead to dismissal without notice.
Further, sexual harassment may amount to both an employment rights matter and a criminal matter, such as in sexual assault allegations. In addition, harassment under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 – which is not limited to circumstances where harassment relates to a protected characteristic – is a criminal offence.
We make opportunities for training, development and progress available to all staff, who will be helped and encouraged to develop their full potential, so their talents and resources can be fully utilised to maximise the efficiency of the organisation.
We will make decisions concerning staff being based on merit (apart from in any necessary and limited exemptions and exceptions allowed under the Equality Act).
We will review employment practices and procedures when necessary to ensure fairness, and also update them and the policy to take account of changes in the law.
We will review the make-up of the workforce regarding information such as age, sex, ethnic background, sexual orientation, religion or belief, and disability in encouraging equality, diversity and inclusion, and in meeting the aims and commitments set out in the equality, diversity and inclusion policy. Such checks will also include assessing how the equality, diversity and inclusion policy, and any supporting action plan, are working in practice, reviewing them and considering and taking action to address any issues.
In line with the Equality Act 2010, it is Boxing Futures policy not to discriminate against persons whether in, or applying for, employment, who have the protected characteristic of disability.
Disability is where a person has a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.
Discrimination occurs where a person receives less favourable treatment because of the protected characteristic of disability. This form of direct discrimination is wide enough to also embrace associative discrimination (where the person is associated with someone else who has a disability) and discrimination by perception (where they are thought to have, or are treated as if they have, a disability, even though they may not).
Discrimination also occurs where a person is treated unfavourably or suffers a disadvantage arising from their disability. As this would be as a consequence of an aspect of their disability, it would not be necessary to identify a comparator without such a disability. This type of discrimination is only justifiable if it can be shown that it is a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim.
Job advertisements will provide equal opportunity to all applicants and will not discriminate in any way.
Prior to offering a job, any questions relating to an applicant’s health will be limited to those permitted under the Equality Act. i.e. to decide if adjustments are needed to enable the applicant to be assessed fairly; to establish if a person can carry out a function which is essential and ‘intrinsic’ to the job; to monitor diversity of applicants; to take positive action to assist disabled people; to ensure a person has a disability where that is a genuine requirement for the job holder.
Applicants for employment who have a disability will not be considered less favourably than those without disabilities. If appropriate, reasonable adjustments will be considered and made to enable the canAccess to Work Schemedidate to be assessed and/or interviewed fairly compared with non-disabled candidates.
Consideration will be given to making reasonable adjustments, where practicable, to the workplace and to methods of working, to accommodate disabled employees to enable them to overcome any disadvantage resulting from an impairment. In order to be able to do this, there is a responsibility on employees to make Boxing Futures aware if they have any impairments/conditions, which may constitute a disability under the terms of the Act.
Appointments of disabled people will be made on the same terms and conditions as other comparable employees without disabilities.
Disabled employees will be given equal opportunity in applications for training and promotion and will not be considered any less favourably because of their disability.
Any acts of discrimination or harassment on the grounds of disability should be reported to the appropriate senior management.
Allegations of discrimination or harassment on the grounds of disability will be investigated and disciplinary action will be taken against anyone found to have acted in any way, which is in breach of this policy.
With disabled job applicants, Boxing Futures will have regard to its duty to make reasonable adjustments to work provisions, criteria and practices or to physical features of work premises or to provide auxiliary aids or services in order to ensure that the disabled person is not placed at a substantial disadvantage in comparison with persons who are not disabled.
Access to Work Scheme
Boxing Futures encourages all disabled job applicants and employees, and those with physical or mental health conditions, to apply to the government’s Access to Work scheme for a grant. An Access to Work grant can pay for practical support to help you either start work or stay in work. How much you may be awarded depends on your circumstances.
To qualify for an Access to Work grant in relation to employment you must:
• have a disability or long-term physical or mental health condition that makes it hard for you to do parts of your job or to get to and from work
• be aged 16 or over
• live and work in England, Scotland or Wales; and
• have a paid job or be about to start or return to one – this also includes an apprenticeship.
If you are awarded a grant, the money can pay for things like special equipment, adaptations to the equipment you use, taxi fares to work if you can’t use public transport and a support worker or job coach to help you in the workplace.
You can apply for an Access to Work grant either online ( or by phoning the Access to Work helpline on 0800 121 7479. Once you have applied, an Access to Work advisor will then contact Boxing Futures with your agreement and may also wish to visit you at work to assess your needs.
Access to Work is a government scheme and eligibility is strictly governed by the terms set by the government from time to time. It is also entirely the government’s decision as to whether to award you a grant. Boxing Futures has no responsibility or liability for decisions made by the government.
Boxing Futures will provide a working environment free from discrimination on the grounds of age, and recognises the valuable contributions made by staff of all ages.
Boxing Futures will not discriminate on the grounds of age in the way it recruits and selects staff. Advertisements will not state an age preference, unless it is to take positive action to invite applications from a group which is under-represented.
Dates of birth will only be requested from job applicants for monitoring purposes, or to comply with any specific legal requirement, or other external justifiable requirement.
All employees will have equal rights to training, promotion and other aspects of career development. Age will not be used to justify a failure to promote or train any employee, nor will it be used as a selection criterion in a redundancy situation.
Any complaints of discrimination, harassment or victimisation relating to a person’s age will be fully investigated, and in the event that such allegations are upheld, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.
Boxing Futures requires all employees to treat each other with dignity and respect, and to understand that behaviour that they may find acceptable may not be regarded as such by others.
The policy is in place to allow Boxing Futures to deal with any form of harassment, bullying, intimidation or other inappropriate behaviour, which causes offence, whether intentional, or not.
This policy relates to all forms of bullying and harassment, regardless of the basis or cause. However, it should be noted that in particular, the Equalities Act 2010 defines a number of protected characteristics including age, disability, sex, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, marriage and civil partnerships.
Harassment and bullying can take a variety of different forms ranging from repeatedly ignoring a colleague or subjecting them to unwelcome attention, to intimidation, humiliation, ridicule or offence, and may be verbal or in writing, via e-mail, text or telephone. Behaviour that may appear trivial as a single incident can constitute harassment or bullying when repeated. It may not always be intentional but is always unacceptable.
Bullying is the exercise of power over another person through negative acts or behaviours that undermine them personally and/or professionally. Bullying can be threatening, insulting, offensive, abusive, malicious or intimidating behaviour which places inappropriate pressure on the recipient or has the effect of isolating or excluding them. Bullying can take the form of shouting, sarcasm, derogatory remarks concerning job performance, appearance or constant criticism. Bullying can be carried out by an employee or groups of employees. Bullying is to be distinguished from the actions of a Manager making reasonable (but perhaps unpopular) requests of their staff and the management of performance of staff. An assertive management style would in itself not constitute bullying, but where assertiveness gives way to aggression it is likely to become destructive rather than constructive and therefore deemed as bullying.
Boxing Futures will not accept harassment or bullying of any employee whether these acts are committed by other employees, workers or third parties. Nor will Boxing Futures accept any acts of harassment or bullying by employees against members of the public. All allegations and complaints will be investigated and appropriate action taken. In the event that an employee has harassed or bullied another employee, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.
The making of a false or malicious complaint of harassment or bullying will be regarded as a serious breach of procedures and the disciplinary procedure will be invoked against the complainant.
Responsibility of Managers
Management must ensure that the workplace under their control is one where everyone has the right to be treated with dignity and respect. They should respond to complaints swiftly and sensitively, and be made aware of behaviour which could cause offence, if necessary reminding employees of expected standards. They should immediately correct and take appropriate action, when faced with or notified of any unacceptable behaviour.
Managers and Supervisors are expected to familiarise themselves with and apply Boxing Futures policy, to ensure Boxing Futures procedure is known to all in the event of an employee wishing to raise a complaint. Such complaints will be dealt with immediately, objectively and fairly.
Managers and Supervisors should encourage genuine concerns to be raised rather than be hidden, and endeavour to eradicate victimisation and/or retaliation.
Responsibility of Employees
All employees have a personal responsibility not to harass or bully other members of staff, or to condone harassment or bullying by others. Harassment or bullying is misconduct and action may be taken under the disciplinary procedure against any employee found to have harassed or bullied an individual at work. Employees should also be aware that they could be personally liable by law if they harass anyone at work.
All employees have a duty to assist in the creation of a safe working environment, where unacceptable behaviour is not tolerated. This may include challenging unacceptable behaviour, ensuring their own behaviour does not contribute to or collude with unacceptable behaviour, and cooperating fully in any investigation undertaken by Boxing Futures.
Guiding principles
Boxing Futures Ltd actively promotes equality of opportunity for all with the right mix of talent, skills and potential and welcome applications from a wide range of candidates, including those with criminal records. Boxing Futures Ltd select all candidates for interview based on their skills, qualifications and experience. Full details are contained in our Policy on Recruiting contained in our Safer Recruitment Policy.
All allegations will be dealt with seriously, confidentially and speedily. Boxing Futures will not ignore or treat lightly such grievances or complaints
If you are being harassed or bullied, consider whether you feel able to raise the problem informally with the person responsible. You should explain clearly to them that their behaviour is unwelcome or makes you feel uncomfortable. However, Boxing Futures also recognises that actual or perceived power and status disparities may make such confrontation impractical. In the event that such informal direct communication is either ineffective, unsuccessful or impractical or you feel that it is too difficult or embarrassing, or the situation is too serious to be dealt with informally, you should follow the formal Grievance procedure.
If you are not certain whether an incident or series of incidents amounts to harassment or bullying, you should initially contact your line manager or the Human Resources Department informally for confidential advice.
If you wish to make a formal complaint about harassment or bullying, whether against a fellow employee or a third party, such as a client, customer, contractor or supplier, you should in the first instance report the incident of harassment or bullying to your line manager, either verbally or in writing. If you do not wish to speak to or write to your line manager, or the matter concerns your line manager, you can instead speak to or write to an alternative manager or to the Human Resources lead.
If you wish to make a formal complaint about unlawful discrimination, inequality of opportunity or unequal pay you should in the first instance report the matter to your line manager, either verbally or in writing. If you do not wish to speak to or write to your line manager, or the matter concerns your line manager, you can instead speak to or write to an alternative manager or to the Human Resources Lead.
Reports should be made promptly so that investigation may proceed, and any action may be taken, expeditiously.
Information about a complaint by or about an employee may be placed on their personnel file, along with a record of the outcome. These will be processed in accordance with Boxing Futures’ data protection policy and privacy notice.
This policy was approved on 17th June 2024
Review date: May 2025.
If you have any questions about this policy, please contact us:
Or you can contact us about our Code of Conduct Policy here:
CONTACT USThis website is owned and operated by Boxing Futures Ltd
We are a charity registered in United Kingdom No.1162086
Our registered office is:
Anzo Group, 25 Golden Square, London W1F 9LU
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